This is for Porno –

– who totally made my day!



Heart: Shattered

So, I began 2016 with a rather ambivalent post. 2015 ended on a low note, 2016 started the same…

Then David Bowie died. My heart broke a little.



I’ve been playing Bowie pretty much constantly since.

I was at the day job, so today was a late news check in day for me. The FIRST thing I see?

Alan Rickman has died.

Also at age 69, also of cancer, and I am weeping at the loss.


I’ll give vague credit for this stunning illustration to Laura Aleman Striplin’s tattoo artist (whose name I forgot 😕).


We live in a world of “junk food” entertainment. And, yeah. Junk food has its place. I’m a fan of Micky D’s fries. But in all the chaos and noise, I think we often lose sight of true artistry and sheer, knock-you-on-your-ass talent.

This week we’ve lost two unique, fierce and fearless artists. And the thinking, literate world mourns…


Heart: Broken

I’m without words. Godspeed to a fiercely groundbreaking talent.




Off the Face of the Earth

Yep. I vanished. Those who know me well know that generally means *something* is up. I didn’t wrap up 2015 because it ended on more than one somber note at Casa Summerland. I didn’t “rah-rah” 2016 in because I was pretty much an exhausted overcooked noodle.

No one died. No one’s bleeding. I have my car back, and the concussion was very mild 😩… And I’ll have happy stuff to post soon. New writing strategies. New-ish day job. New opportunities. New year, new plans.

In the meantime, forgive me this blah, whiny post. It’s after midnight and I didn’t get my nap today. I don’t usually indulge in public self-disclosure.

Also in the meantime, love, peace and Happy New Year to you all! Have some belated champagne. I promise it’s not… flat. 😉

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🎹On the Third Day of Christmas…

🎵Three Christmas Kitties…

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Two Smexy Underwear Models…🎵


(This one’s for you, Ed – girl parts since it’s your birthday!)

🎸And Another Hot Guy by a Tree!🎶

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🎤On the Second Day of Christmas…

🎼My smut writer gave to me…


🎵two sexy Andrew Christian models…


and a really sexy guy by the tree…🎶

On the First Day of Christmas…

🎵My naughty author gave to me…🎵

A lame excuse for why she hasn’t posted in weeks. See, “wha’ ha’ happen was…” I actually had quite a lot to say – NaNo and the nature of “winning”; School and the day job, and the adulting I’m having to do; some thoughts on ethics, honesty, and how 8 of 10 times the refusal to engage is interpreted as an admission of guilt… But I honestly just couldn’t bear to type that much! So instead, I present the Twelve Days of VJ’s Kinky Christmas!

🎼On the first Day of Christmas, my author gave to me…


A REALLY HOT guy by a Christmas tree! 🎶

NaNo Week 2

Okay, so I had this awesome, content rich post… and my phone rang, and it ALL went away.

So, I’ll settle for, NaNo was better this week, though real life took up a significant chunk of writing time.

I was gonna talk about adventures at the vet – #2 kitty’s boo-boo is healed and it looks like the lymphoma treatment is working, and #3 cat is FINALLY gaining weight. There’s waaaaay more to it – those are the highlights.

So, I’ll leave you with sexy guy w kitteh. Cuz you can never have enough beautiful men, or adorable kittens!



NaNo Week 1: “Na-Uh-Oh!”

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Not nearly enough words were written last week. Not. Nearly. Enough. I missed NaNo’s goal by a mile. I missed *my* goal by a galaxy. I have reasons AND excuses (and no, I don’t think the two are synonymous), but the fact is, I need to prioritize better, and stop letting the whole adulting thing paralyze me. Ack.

So, MORE WORDS WILL BE WRITTEN THIS WEEK! Which should be somewhat less daunting than last week, as whilst *not* writing, I did a large amount of scene building in my head. Yay, me, lol.

So in honor of NaNo Reboot: Inspirational ManCandy!

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NaNo Day 1.5 -ManCandy

So, I had a very lofty goal, but I fell so far short of it I’m not even going to say what it was, lol. I blame it on the World Series. I was really pulling for the Mets so we’d get at least one more game, and KC could take it at home. Ah, well. Half a cup is better than none, right?

As for NaNo, I got 506 words – and, to my horror, my porny little m/m erotic story grew a PLOT, and LAYERS, and MULTI-FUCKING-FACETED CHARACTERS! What the everloving fuck???

So, here’s my current inspiration picture (and the placeholder for my novel cover) AND your ManCandy:


And, for anyone who’d like to be a writing buddy, my NaNo name is the VERY original VJ Summers, lol.

Happy writing!