Samhain… Man…

I’m a little bit heartbroken and kind of crushed. I have Chrissy Brashear (and Heather Osborn) stories that I’ll tell another time. A time when my heart isn’t so sore.

I’ve talked many times how Joey W Hill’s ROUGH CANVAS was the first m/m *and* the first BDSM novel I fell in love with… But m/m was never EC’s strong seller (to my eventual personal disappointment), and many of my go-to m/m authors came from Samhain.


KA Mitchell. Oh. Em. Gee. I discovered her during a *really* tense time in my life – my Goddaughter was in a bad situation and had come to live with me, I was fighting for her on so many levels, AND working in what was, in reality, an at-risk school. I think I went a good week w out sleeping at one point.

KA Mitchell probably saved my sanity that summer. I started w CHASING SMOKE, and then worked my way through her entire backlist. COLLISION  COURSE remains in my top 5 comfort reads of all time.


JL Langley. The Englor books. LOVE. Passionately.


Jordan Castillo Price. She’s only got the one book there, HEMOVORE. I got the impression it wasn’t universally embraced, but I loved it, and it led me to the Wild Bill & Michael stories (Also on my comfort read shelf!) & PsyCop – I actually LITERALLY finished re-reading the 7 main books this afternoon.


So many amazing authors. Those are just my eatly discoveries Excellent editing, by and large.

ZA Maxfield…

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And yes, selfishly, I’d hoped to be pubbed there someday, too.

My heart hurts for the authors and the readers. My heart hurts for Chrissy and her team.

My heart especially hurts for all the ePubs being crushed by the leviathan that is Amazon.


That Post Where I Brag…

My Riptide book, Light a Candle came out at a rather tumultuous time in my life… Looking back, I can’t believe it’s been almost a year. Nine months – that’s a baby, y’all!


So, for me, a lot of the joy in the new release was shadowed by stuff happening in “real life”. And, as much as I love Will and Dusty (I really love Dusty… and Leo 🐽), I sort of projected some of those shadows onto the book, and forgot that… Well, I love Will and Dusty, lol. And the educator in me loved playing with Greek history  (even when Joey was afraid of pedophiles popping up – heh, heh, heh.)

Well, some time has passed, and I have the distance to look at my boys and Club Deviant again, with fresh eyes. I like this book. (Is that conceited?)

But! I’m not the only one who likes it! I found out today from my awesome publisher and from my amazing friend that Light a Candle is a finalist in the National Leather Association – International’s PAULINE REAGE NOVEL AWARD.

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Not only am I grouped w L.A. Witt / Lauren Gallagher and J.A. Rock, but I’m in a group w Laura Antinou. Great googly mooglies!

So, I hope you’ll check out NLA-I’s various contacts, and I *really* hope you’ll check out Light a Candle.

Congrats to all the nominees in all the categories – I’ll be reading some articles this week, I think!


To my beautiful K-Lee Klein AND her beautiful NEW RELEASE! Check out Lucky in Loveland at Amazon, and other fine retailers (like ARe) today!


In Which I CONTINUE to Mourn Amber Quill

So, as I’ve mentioned, the very classy Amber Quill Press will be no more as of March 31st. I am still heartbroken for my author friends who are losing a good home and, selfishly, for myself because several of my favorite authors have books there, and who knows how long before their books re-issue – I’m talkin’ to YOU Angel Martinez. I have books one, three and four! I NEED book two, dammit!

Speaking of Angel Martinez, I *highly* recommend her sci-fi, fairy tales slashed, and urban fantasy, much of which you can find at Amber Allure (AQ’s LGBTQ imprint). I hope you’ll check Angel’s stuff out. I’m pretty sure it’s on sale on the Amber site, and I *know* it’s on sale at ARe.

Here’s her latest cover – hot guy, ancient gods and magic… Book FOUR… (bk 2, grumble…)
