Dragons. They are hot!

Saving Jenna leaves you with a bit of a cliffhanger – Dragon Shifter Aiden Ghallager finds himself in a bit of hot water. Ah, Aiden. A total hard ass, badass, and jackass. And then there’s Rowan… Jenna’s scars are all emotional, but Rowan bore the brunt of their father’s physical rage on her skin, yet she still managed to keep a tender heart. Forever Rowan was a hard one to write in many ways, but *man* I’m proud with how it turned out!

Here’s the (smokin’) new cover:

Set In Stone - Forever Rowan

And the blurb:

After a failed rescue attempt, Aidan Ghallager has been captured, unable to shift into his Dragon form. Rowan Stone, daughter of megalomaniac William Stone, has become his unlikely nurse. As they work together to find a way to escape her father’s nefarious plans and insidious torture, they try to fight the attraction between them—and fail. For Aidan and Rowan are mated—meant to be together—but only if they can stay alive long enough to escape.

You can find Forever Rowan at ARe, Barnes & Noble for Nook, and Amazon for Kindle. Check it out, then let us know what you think.

Now THIS is a Vampire!


Maybe not OUR vampire, but still. Nom, nom, nom!

Vampires Do Not Sparkle

The next installment in the Re-Issues of VJ & Sierra Odyssey is our paranormal bbw romance, Saving Jenna. We’re particularly proud of Jenna’s story, not only because it got a rave from Angela Knight, who judged it in the Passionate Ink contest (we got an honorable mention), but because it explores what happens to a woman who is systematically deconstructed emotionally by the one person who should have protected and built her up: her father. Saving Jenna is the first of the Set In Stone paranormal series (the second book is Forever Rowan – the third and fourth books, Erin’s Evolution and Jordan’s Redemption) are in the works.

Here’s the new (dead sexy) cover art:

Set In Stone - Saving Jenna

Here’s the Blurb:

This book was previously published.

Evil walks the night. Sometimes the monsters are obvious, those with fur or fangs, but sometimes evil is more insidious, and wears a beautiful face. Such is the case of William Stone. Jenna, his eldest, realizes that if she and her sisters don’t get out, Stone won’t stop until they’re dead.

Jenna is on the brink of death when Nic Alero finds her. An ancient Vampire, Nic has been looking for his One, and he knows he’s found it in Jenna. The only catch is that Nic must face down the evil that is her father to claim his mate because the only path to saving his own soul lies in Saving Jenna.

You can find Saving Jenna at ARe, at Barnes & Noble for your Nook, and at Amazon for your kindle!

Saturday Steamy Shifter

This is one I used for inspiration while we were writing Nuriel’s Cougar:


Happy Cupid Day!

love on fire

Hot Het Shifters

Back a while ago – and by a while I mean a few years – Sierra and I answered a call for stories based on songs. Sierra’s a die-hard Duran Duran fan from back in the day, so our story came from their catalog. Hungry Like the Wolf is a BBW Werewolf Shifter story, one we’re pretty darned proud of. Nigel is sexy and conflicted. Clare is luscious and trapped. What better combination, right?

Here’s the cover (covers, actually – one for ARe, and one for everywhere else):

Hungry 200x300


Here’s the Blurb:

Claire knew it was her duty to serve her Coven by participating in the local Shifter Pack’s annual Mating Run, but just when she’d resigned herself to that duty the unthinkable happened: she fell in love.

Nigel knew it was his duty to protect Claire and keep her safe from over-eager Wolves until the Run, but over the long weeks of guarding her body the unthinkable happened: he began to want her curvy, sensuous body for his own.

Caught in a trap of family duty and desire, Nigel and Claire must decide what’s really worth fighting for and all the while they’re Hungry… Like the Wolf.

 You can find Hungry at ARe, at Barnes & Noble for your Nook, and at Amazon for your Kindle. Check it out, and let us know what you think!

Sexy Saturday Night Stud!



Sexy, wet firefighter, in honor of Let It Burn’s reissue. Pretty, yeah?

Pimpin’ My Books – And How I Suck At It

So, Sierra and I have been busily re-editing and re-releasing some of our older stuff that didn’t get a lot of press the first time around. You can find ’em on Kindle, at Barnes & Noble, and on ARe. I suck at the whole pimping thing – Of course lately I’ve sucked at the whole blogging thing, so this shouldn’t come as a surprise, I guess. ANYWAY, I though I’d do a couple features of our oldies but goodies. So, first up is our paranormal (kinda), mystery/suspense (kinda) totally hot firefighter story, Let It Burn.

Let It Burn Self-Pub 1

Is that cover hot or what? (Okay, pun intended, I admit it.) Let It Burn kind of got lost in a sea of fire fighter stories that came out monthly as anthologies at its original release. We hope that with a spiffy new cover, standing all on its own hot, sexy, steamy little feet, it finds a new and excited audience. I’d almost forgotten how much I like this little story until I went back through to touch up the edits. It’s hot, and fun, and has a lot more depth than we ever expected it to.

Here’s the blurb:

When fireman Kevin Kryszenski notifies mural artist Joanna Balentine that fire has destroyed her community center classroom, they find an unexpected connection. However Joanna, an empath, frightens everyone who gets close with her insights. Kevin, uncomfortable with Joanna’s gift, tries to run from the budding romance. Over the fireworks of their searing fights, Joanna’s beauty and goodness threaten Kevin’s resolve, while Kevin’s obvious desire breaches Joanna’s carefully erected walls. Will Kevin and Joanna’s passion overcome their fears even as the fires become personal?

You can find Let It Burn on Kindle HERE. It’s available for NOOK HERE. And it’s HERE at ARe.


Sexy Sunday Stud!

I’ve been a bad blogger! The flu, life, and school (!!! After a decade teaching, I’m on the other side of the desk!!!) have conspired to keep my social media participation to a minimum. I’ll try to make up for it by sharing a pretty, pretty picture of my current crush, Andrew Christian model Colby Melvin. He’s beautiful, has the teasing naughty smirk down pat, and also is smart, funny, and socially conscious. In other words, pretty damned irresistible!
