Here It Goes…

About to start the daunting and hitherto impossible (for me) of working on two books at once.

Theres the OMIGOD I’m writing with Joey W Hill book (holy crap, its a real thing!) Then there’s the folder of ideas, outlines, and partially finished manuscripts on my laptop.

Time to get it in gear!

That thing where…

…it’s been so long since I posted I have to learn WordPress all over again!

It’s been, once again, an eventful year. One of the coolest things to happen though is – I hate to “say it out loud” lest I jinx it – imwritingabookwjoeyhill!!!


I’m. Writing. A. Book. With. Joey. Hill.

Holy crap!!!

So prepare yourselves for smexy vampires, unquiet ghosts, and lots of yummy man sex.

Back to the laptop, y’all 😘