In Which I CONTINUE to Mourn Amber Quill

So, as I’ve mentioned, the very classy Amber Quill Press will be no more as of March 31st. I am still heartbroken for my author friends who are losing a good home and, selfishly, for myself because several of my favorite authors have books there, and who knows how long before their books re-issue – I’m talkin’ to YOU Angel Martinez. I have books one, three and four! I NEED book two, dammit!

Speaking of Angel Martinez, I *highly* recommend her sci-fi, fairy tales slashed, and urban fantasy, much of which you can find at Amber Allure (AQ’s LGBTQ imprint). I hope you’ll check Angel’s stuff out. I’m pretty sure it’s on sale on the Amber site, and I *know* it’s on sale at ARe.

Here’s her latest cover – hot guy, ancient gods and magic… Book FOUR… (bk 2, grumble…)
